The Chris Tour prepares complete packages (the journey, the welcome, the hotel, the restaurant, the tour) for travel and stays to be performed in Italy and in Europe, taking into account the age of the group average, the interest, the average educational level and economic availability. The construction of a route requires not only technical knowledge but also of tourist art history, geography, urban planning and ecology.
We do not simply certainly follow a ritual itinerary but always create a new and specific product for the group, using our creative skills, researching and interpreting with taste and interest of the resources of the area to visit.
Sede di Roma
Via Pio Molajoni, 7 - 00159 Roma (RM)
Sede di Vairano Scalo
Via Napoli, 227/229 - 81059 Vairano Scalo (CE)
+39 0823 642 148 | +39 0823 988 895
[email protected] | P. Iva 03637090618
Codice univoco SUBM70N | PEC [email protected]
Office Of Rome
Via Pio Molajoni, 7 - 00159 Roma (RM)
Office of Vairano Scalo
Via Napoli, 227/229 - 81059 Vairano Scalo (CE)
+39 0823 642 148 | +39 0823 988 895
[email protected] | Vat n. 03637090618
Office Rome
Via Pio Molajoni, 7 - 00159 Roma (RM)
Office Vairano Scalo
Via Napoli, 227/229 - 81059 Vairano Scalo (CE)
+39 0823 642 148 | +39 0823 988 895
[email protected] | Vat n. 03637090618
I Viaggi di Chris Tour S.r.l.
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Reparto Gruppi / Group Department
Reparto noleggio bus / Bus rental department
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